Brand, agency execs speak out on Google’s latest cookie-killing plan and cookieless identifier challenges

Brand, agency execs speak out on Google’s latest cookie-killing plan and cookieless identifier challenges

The third-party cookie’s extended demise is kinda agonizing. But with Google asserting lately that it’s going to deprecate the advert trade’s de facto identifier for 1% of Chrome customers within the first quarter of 2024, maybe the tip of the highway is close to.

During the Digiday Programmatic Marketing Summit, which kicked off on May 22 in Palm Springs, California, model and agency executives weighed in on the current and way forward for the third-party cookie and cookieless identifiers, as featured within the video under.

To what extent are advertisers truly weaning themselves off of the third-party cookie? Are different identifiers at present outfitted to compensate for the cookie’s loss? And, after all — after two earlier postponements — will Google actually undergo with killing off the third-party cookie in any case?

“It’s kind of like crying wolf, so to speak. Is this it? Is this real? I think we’re getting much closer to reality when they make that kind of announcement,” HP’s senior director of world market technique and media execution Morgan Chemij mentioned of Google’s latest announcement.

Brand, agency execs discuss Google’s latest cookie-killing plan and cookieless identifier challenges

…. to be continued
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