Weekly Showdown: Which Samsung Galaxy A Model Will Capture Your Heart – A56, A36, or A26

Weekly Showdown: Which Samsung Galaxy A Model Will Capture Your Heart – A56, A36, or A26

Samsung Galaxy A‍ Series: A Comprehensive Review of the A56, A36, and A26

This year, Samsung ‍introduces three variations ​in its mid-range lineup: the Galaxy A56, Galaxy A36, and Galaxy ​A26. Each model offers distinctive features at different price points ​tailored for various markets. Heres a summary of their pricing across Europe, ⁤India, and‌ the ​United‍ States—making it noteworthy that the Galaxy A5x series is finally⁤ available in the US ​market.

Pricing ⁣Overview

< td>$500 td >< TD > €480 TD >< TD > ₹42,000 TD > < td > – td >< TD > €530 TD >< TD > ₹45,000

⁣ ‌ {{₹33k}}/takeitaway/shedstoreexsistence/
Model 128GB Version 256GB Version
US EU India (INR) US EU India (INR)
A36 {{$400}}< / th >{{€380}}–  
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⁢Round trip⁤ to Greece…”38


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