Unveiling Secrets: First Teardown of iPhone 16e Reveals Bigger Battery and Cutting-Edge C1 Modem!

Unveiling Secrets: First Teardown of iPhone 16e Reveals Bigger Battery and Cutting-Edge C1 Modem!

Inside look at the iPhone 16e by Rewa Technology

The iPhone 16e has undergone its initial disassembly,‍ revealing several noteworthy components including Apple’s proprietary C1 modem, an​ enhanced battery capacity, and a​ notable absence of MagSafe.

As the weekend arrives, new owners around the‍ world are receiving their long-awaited iPhone 16e. It​ didn’t take long for teardown footage to appear online.

Rewa Technology has undertaken a detailed examination of Apple’s latest model. Their concise video review runs just under ⁤five and a half minutes‍ but offers valuable ​insights into the inner workings of the iPhone 16e.

The disassembly confirms that the battery size has increased; while its predecessor, the iPhone 16,⁢ is ‍equipped with ‍a battery rated at 3,561 mAh, the newer model boasts ‍an impressive⁢ capacity of 4,005 mAh.

Apple claims that redesign efforts have⁤ resulted in this larger battery space; however, ⁢Rewa hints that⁣ this is primarily due to a reduced camera component size.

Continuing with its design philosophy ​from earlier‌ models,⁤ the iPhone 16e employs an electrochemical adhesive that⁣ can be⁣ dissolved using low-voltage electric current. Therefore, when replacing⁢ batteries in this model,‌ users can utilize either a USB-C charger or a standard nine-volt power source‌ to assist in ‍removing it easily.

A⁢ closer⁣ inspection reveals⁤ additional key components such as:

the logic board paired with Apple’s A18⁣ chip and their newly developed C1 cellular modem.

Rewa observes that while servicing may prove smoother in certain respects because processors‍ and motherboards come as⁢ one unit for replacement purposes — ⁣removing the A18 chip itself could present challenges at depots where ‌repairs are necessary.

< p c lass = " c ol -sm -12 "> Finally , it ‘s worth noting that Rewa Technology emphasizes ⁣t he omission o f MagSafe ‌from t he iPh one ‌ *6 e* , signaling another significant decision by Apple regarding this device .

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