Games for Change Festival 2023: Shaping the Future of Interactive Media
The 22nd installment of the Games for Change (G4C) Festival is scheduled for June 26 and June 27 in New York City, centered around the theme “Designing for Tomorrow.” This gathering promises to be a convergence point for innovators in gaming and interactive media.
Event Location and Call for Participation
This year’s festival will be hosted at Parsons School of Design, one of New York’s leading educational institutions. Recently, G4C announced an open call for speakers and award nominations, with a submission deadline set for February 5.
A Legacy of Impact in Gaming
For over twenty years, the G4C Festival has established itself as a vital platform uniting game developers, educators, social entrepreneurs, and creators who harness the transformative power of games to instigate real-world change. The festival continues its mission under the new theme by delving into collaborative potentials within different demographics and sectors through interactive media.
Diverse Program Highlights
Over two exciting days packed with activities such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions will revolve around three key areas: Games & Learning; Civics & Social Issues; and Health & Wellbeing. Extending its reach into XR programming ensures these tracks reflect current trends in immersive technologies.
Masterclass Series on Game Development
A fresh addition this year is a Masterclass series taking place on June 25. Esteemed industry leaders will conduct intensive workshops designed to equip participants with crucial insights ranging from effective game development strategies within platforms to innovative design thinking approaches that enhance gameplay experiences. Attendees will benefit firsthand from experts in various gaming disciplines during these curated sessions tailored specifically for G4C participants.
Crowning Achievements: The G4C Awards Ceremony
An integral feature of the festival—the Games For Change Awards—will celebrate remarkable advancements in social impact games on June 26. Various categories are highlighted this year including Most Significant Impact, Best Innovation Project, Best Narrative Experience,and a brand-new category titled “Best Platform-Based Project.” This latter award recognizes noteworthy contributions made using prevalent gaming platforms like Minecraft or Fortnite Creative that leverage native tools to create positive social impacts.
A Message from Leadership
“For more than two decades now,” commented Susanna Pollack—the president of Games For Change—“the festival has served as an incubator fostering innovation across diverse sectors related to games. As our landscape shifts continually—we are adapting our programs accordingly.” With enhanced offerings such as Masterclasses alongside an enriched awards structure—this year’s event embodies both growth opportunities while maintaining excitement surrounding our thriving sector.”
Penned earlier last December,Pollack served as emcee at our recent event featuring insights from Hollywood professionals about their collaboration with gaming initiatives geared toward promoting societal benefits beyond mere entertainment value.”
Join Us in Making History!
The call-for-participation remains open until February 5th,next year—for those wishing contribute via Speaking Opportunities or Award submissions interested parties may find further details online at;
A Look Back: Prior Festivals’ Successes
The preceding edition—the21st annual gathering —focused on “The Catalyst For Global Changes by2030”, resulting accomplishments include engaging150 distinguished speakers hailing from twelve countrieszdrawing participation numbers which exceeded2300 individuals attended live/via virtual outreach with65 talks/workshops held throughout course festivities.Having expanded horizons across continents.Games ForChange also included hosting ‘Two Annual Game&SDGs Summit’ presentedUNleading180 top officials forge novel partnerships addressing pressing challenges head-on; p >
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- exactly 61 chapters spread globally reaching22 great activity events resonated46500Regardingstudents reached*/> Those figures demonstrate remarkable student engagement across all socio-economic backgrounds.
In previous yr’s report indicated
Team Efforts Leading Forward ##
Recently appointed board members include major pioneers like Benjamin Golant (senior global director), Samir El Agili(chairman)alongside Mark Stanley(founder) who exhibit dedication towards utilizing games resolve/globalchallanges.”””